hop, skip and jump into every day with a smile


If you’ve ever woken up with an awful hangover and declared that you’re “NEVER DRINKING AGAIN” (only to find yourself drinking again that very same day) click the link below to change your thinking about drinking in just five days – without feeling like you’re depriving yourself or missing out. Best of all, it’s free!

Are you ready to take your life up a notch?

Getting the right balance of work, rest and play can be really challenging. Getting it wrong could lead you to overwhelm and burnout. Getting it right could lead you to happiness and fulfillment. My book will help you reflect on each area of your life – what to celebrate and what to change so that you have the stable base you need from which to launch your dreams.


I want to understand your life as it is now: the good, the bad and the ugly! I will give you the time and space to vent about things you are finding challenging and to celebrate the things that you are proud of. Together we’ll identify the things you want to keep and those you want to leave behind in your future.


Most importantly, I want to understand where you want to be in the future. We’ll get into some visualisation and manifestation so that you can really start to picture what life could be like in your dream future. By picturing it, you can see if it’s as good as you imagine and be sure that you are on the right track.


Then we’ll get stuck into what’s stopping you from being where you want to be and start to remove barriers like low confidence, poor time management, self-limiting beliefs, as well as exploring ways to make time for more fun and play and creativity so that you can jump into your future with a confident smile!

What is coaching?




What is coaching?

Coaching helps people explore their present reality and then design and reach the future they want. Unlike counselling, it is very much future focussed and goal orientated. Unlike mentoring, in coaching the goal is to help you find your own solutions rather than sharing our own knowledge or experience as coach. This makes coaching a truly sustainable investment, as it teaches you more about your own values and beliefs and how to think differently so that you can make difficult decisions more easily in the future. Coaching will inspire, motivate and empower you so that you can be your best self.

Why would I need coaching?
We all have times in our lives where things feel out of our own control or that we are just going along with things that happen to us rather than making things happen the ways we want them to. Family and work responsibilities, money worries, or simply low confidence, can get in the way of following our dreams. Coaching can help you take charge of your life, finding more purpose, direction and fulfilment so that you can achieve your dreams and have a happier, more balanced life.
How does it work?

Through coaching, we will gain a thorough understanding of what your life is like now and what your ideal life would be like. Then we’ll work out what’s stopping you from having that life right now and work out the steps you need to take to reach it. We’ll be working on self-confidence, personal values, self-limiting beliefs, time management, scheduling, setting boundaries and more. I’ll also show you tools and models that you can use in the future so that you are empowered to keep striving for bigger and braver goals.

What actually happens?

A typical 1:1 coaching programme would involve meeting in person (in South Devon) or virtually six times for an hour or hour and a half each time. Generally, this would be monthly, but could be weekly or fortnightly if you are working to a specific time frame with your goal – it’s very much tailored to your own needs and desires. Similarly, some people prefer to have ad hoc one-off sessions as and when they have challenges to face and would like to talk them through, and others prefer an ongoing relationship with monthly check-ins to keep them on track.

What can I expect from coaching?

You can expect to come away from each session feeling inspired and motivated, able to tackle any challenge head-on. You can expect to come away from a coaching programme with more clarity about your life and what you want from it and having the confidence to achieve those things. 

How much does it cost?

Coaching is a real investment in your future, and it can be hard to appreciate the true value of it until you’ve experienced it for yourself. My goal as your coach is to empower you so much that you no longer need me – making this a really sustainable, long term, one time investment. 

WORK HARD, REST HARD, PLAY HARD is like having a coach in your pocket. It's full of questions so that you can coach yourself too. That might be all you need to achieve your goals, or to give you an insight into what coaching is really like. £6-8.99 on Amazon as ebook, paperback, or audiobook.

Sober and Sunny is a course which will not only help you to say goodbye to alcohol to good, but also give you tools and techniques that will help you achieve your future goals. £49.00 for lifetime access.

Sober and Sparkling is a six week alcohol-free challenge in which you'll get lifetime access to Sober and Sunny as well as weekly 1:1 coaching sessions with me to help you celebrate your successes, overcome any challenges, and ensure you're making the most of your newfound time and energy. £695 for the six week programme.

Like my approach but happy with your relationship with alcohol? I can still coach you!

Hop, Skip, Jump is a 1:1 coaching programme and will empower you to design and live your life exactly the way you want to. This is for you when you're wanting to make a major change in your life, like going for a promotion or starting a business. £1,375.00 for a 3 month programme.

Yellow Brick Road is a 1:1 coaching programme with monthly check-ins to help you reflect on your life, appreciating the good things and responding better to the more difficult things so that you can maintain a happy balance without making any major changes. £999.00 for a six month programme.

I offer a free 30 minute coaching taster to give you the opportunity to find out more about me and my style of coaching before you commit. Just email chloe@hopscotchcoaching.co.uk to organise yours.

Who is coaching for?
Absolutely anyone! Everyone could benefit from reflecting on their lives and bringing more purpose and direction to their futures. As your coach, I will be asking you open questions to help you see your situation from different perspectives and to explore different solutions and futures. The cornerstone of coaching is that the person with the problem is the person who holds the best solution – my job is to help you find it and make it happen, giving you the skills to find your own solutions without me in the future.
What sort of people do you help?

I mainly work with working mums with ADHD who want to stop drinking and get sober so that they can have more time and energy to be their happiest, healthiest self and achieve their wildest dreams - most often that means starting and building their own business that brings them the freedom and flexibility they need to play to their strengths and follow their passions.

I also love working with people who have been through a change they didn’t ask for (break up, bereavement, redundancy etc), helping them to reimagine their future whilst grieving their past. I love helping Mums rediscover who they are after their identity has been taken over by motherhood. As a home educator, I love helping parents through making what can be an incredibly difficult decision with huge impacts on their families. I love helping people find a better work-life balance and introducing more fun and playfulness into people’s lives. With my experience in welfare to work and the healthcare sector, I love helping people improve their general wellbeing, no matter who they are or what’s going on in their lives. My background in the voluntary sector has also led me to support many social enterpreneurs to get clear on their life and work purpose and align the two.

You can learn more about my background here.

I’m in! What do I need to do?

Please get in touch with me for an free 30 minute conversation so that we can get to know each other a little better, and so that we can set some goals and expectations for the programme and be sure that coaching is the right route for you, and that I’m the right coach for you!



I used to get the worst FOMO. I went to EVERYTHING. If there was nothing going on, I’d create something. It was exhausting! But I never really liked parties, and that’s why I drank so much at them. If you need to drink to enjoy something, do you really enjoy that...

Lapse or Relapse?

When you’re not drinking… but then you drink. What do you do next? You have a choice. Is this a lapse, a chance to reflect on what’s working for you and what’s not? Or are you diving in, full relapse, you’ve drank once so might as well give up on this whole sober...

Are you dependent?

I knew I wanted to take a month off drinking. But not this month. There was that birthday, hen night, wedding, party… There was always SOMETHING. Something that I couldn’t possibly go to without drinking. I wasn’t dependent though. I didn’t drink every day, or at...



Download your free Reflection Questionnaire here to start thinking about how coaching could help you achieve everything you want to in life


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