sober and sunny

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How much of your life is lost to hangovers? Whole mornings wasted feeling sick, with a headache, feeling a slight sense of shame, regret, guilt or anxiety?

What would it mean to you if instead you could wake up fresh, well rested, energised and excited for the day ahead?

What would it mean to you if you had more time, money, energy and motivation to do the things you really wanted to do?

What would it mean to you if you could finally write that book, start that business, or run that marathon?


Alcohol is robbing you of your dreams.

Sobriety could make those dreams a reality.

But, in a society centred around alcohol as the main way to socialise and relax, getting sober is a courageous and rebellious act.

Are you ready to take it on, to show the world what you’re capable of as your best, happiest, healthiest self?

Sober and Sunny is a self-led course that you can take at your own pace to challenge your beliefs around alcohol and change your mindset and identity, so that you’re ready to break up with alcohol for good and start to enjoy effortless sobriety – without becoming boring or losing your friends.

Sign up today for just £49 – you’ll have made back that investment by taking just one weekend off the booze!

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Not quite ready? Get your free copy of “7 simple steps to effortless, enjoyable sobriety” here.

Follow Sober and Sunny on Instagram for ongoing tips and support.



Download your free Reflection Questionnaire here to start thinking about how coaching could help you achieve everything you want to in life


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