When you tell people you’ve stopped drinking, they sometimes seem surprised. They didn’t know you had a problem. They start asking questions about how much you drank, trying to gauge what this means for their own drinking and whether they have a problem too.

But drinking doesn’t have to be the problem, for stopping drinking to be an amazing solution.

Keep arguing with your partner when you’ve been drinking?

Keep snapping at your kids and then feeling guilty about it because you’re hungover?

Feel like crap and ruin your weekend days feeling sick and tired and anxious?

Not doing as well at work as you want to because you just don’t feel your best?

Not doing as much as exercise or eating as well as you’d like to?

They’re all big enough problems in my eyes.

You don’t need to be blacking out, waking up not knowing where you are, losing your handbag, smashing up your phone, or diagnosed with liver disease to stop drinking.

Don’t wait for it to get to that point.

Because you might be ok right now, but if alcohol is your go-to when you’re stressed, what happens when a massive stressor hits? When you get made redundant or find out someone close to you has died.

Your drinking could become a problem fast.

Don’t let it.

Sign up to Sober and Sunny today and start living your best life right now.

It’s all online, you set your own goals and work through it at your own pace, and you get lifetime access so that you can start enjoying enjoyable, effortless sobriety without feeling like you’re depriving yourself or becoming boring.

All for less than the cost of a good night out.

What have you got to lose?