About Me


Hello! I’m Chloe


I live by the sea in South Devon. I love making the most of our natural environment here with walks on the coast path and Dartmoor, rowing, kayaking, sea swims, and chasing sunrises and sunsets. I love my town (Teignmouth, South Devon) and was elected as a Town Councillor in May 2023. 

I grew up with a single Mum who went back to university in her 30s and trained to be a teacher, demonstrating to me that anyone truly can do anything they put their mind to. Sadly, Mum died of cancer during the Covid pandemic, which has left me passionate about cancer screening, making healthy choices, and dying well. As well as having an inspirational mum, my dad lived in a van travelling the world, showing me that it was ok to live life my own way. You can find out more about my story in my free Through the Looking Glass reflection course.

When one of my sons was having a difficult time at school after the pandemic, I made the decision to home educate him, leaving my role as Manager of local charity, Volunteering in Health, where I had co-authored an award-winning piece of research about personalised care. I decided to train as a coach instead – something I had long dreamed of, as the informal coaching I had done had always been my favourite part of my role.

Having received coaching myself in the previous years to support me with my progression at work had given me a better understanding of my values, so that I was able to make this decision quickly and confidently – and I haven’t looked back since! I love that coaching is so empowering and a true investment – one package of coaching sessions will give you the skills you need to change your whole life and face future challenges on your own.

I’ve always enjoyed a fun night out with friends, drinking and dancing. But, after several attempts, becoming sober has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I am happier, healthier and more productive than ever. That’s why my coaching is focused on helping people change their relationship with alcohol – so that they can cut down, take a break, or quit altogether without feeling like they’ve become boring or that they’re depriving themselves.

My Approach & Values

My values are fun, flow, freedom, flexibility, friendship, and balance. I bring these to every coaching session whilst helping you identify your own. 

As well as the role models I had growing up, coaching has helped mould my life so much. Coaching helped me to progress at work, and taught me how to better deal with challenges and overwhelm. For example, I chose to use a coach to help me complete my marathon, rather than a Personal Trainer, because I recognised that half the battle is mental rather than physical.

Through the coaching I have received myself, I have got to know myself and my values better, which has enabled me to make life changing decisions (like to home educate my son and leave work) quickly and with confidence. I am passionate about helping others in the ways I have benefitted from coaching myself.

My Experience



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