Mar 22, 2023 | Coaching, family, health, home education, my journey, parenting
It’s was a long battle, but in January we received the news that Oscar will be getting an Educational Health Care Plan. I’m not big on labels, but this feels huge to me. It’s justification that we were right to take him out of school. It’s justification for me to find...
Mar 8, 2023 | creativity, family, fun, identity, my journey, parenting, play, reflections
My dad is mine. Dad taught me to work as little as possible: just enough that I had the time and money to play hard. He was always caving, abseiling, diving, rock climbing, and generally exploring and having a good time. Now in his 70s, his flat is full of science...
Mar 1, 2023 | body positivity, book recommendations, Coaching, exercise, goals, health, identity, mindfulness, my journey
What are you reading at the moment? I got Atomic Habits by James Clear as a Christmas present and loved it. My key takeaway was how important it is to understand our purpose and desired identity before anything else. The goals and how we reach them come second. Life...
Feb 22, 2023 | Coaching, family, home education, parenting
“I’m not doing enough.” This is the main worry I hear from other home educators. It takes time to adjust your expectations of home education and realise you don’t need to fit in with any school curriculum any more. There’s no need to compare what you’re doing to what...