
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I hope that you had an amazing festive period and are starting the year on a high!...

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Get out there

I’m not what you’d call a natural sportsperson. When I was a teenager, I was much happier in the library than in the gym, and only attended PE lessons at High School for the first year, after which I realised that if you didn’t turn up to the first class of term to...

Write it out

The first lockdown was really hard on us all. One of the key things that helped get me through it was journaling. It can sound a little “teenager” and many people don’t know where to start with it, so I thought I’d share how I was doing it in lockdown. Writing at a...

Break Up Planning

Sadly a married couple we are close to suddenly and unexpectedly split up last year. It’s got me thinking again about a conversation that I think all couples should have when times are good: “if we were to split up, how would we want to do it?” My husband and I talk...
Come on in, the water’s… freezing
Come on in, the water’s… freezing

On one of my recent sunrise walks, the sky was perfectly clear and the sea perfectly flat and inviting. I kicked myself for not having thought to bring swimming stuff with me. Before I could lose my nerve, I got in touch with a friend who I hadn’t seen in a while,...

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Welcome to my website!
Welcome to my website!

As I come to the end of the facilitated part of my qualification with In Good Company, I am really excited to take this next step and launch my website and business. As a coach, I am always helping people push outside of their comfort zones to try new things, so I...

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