

I used to get the worst FOMO. I went to EVERYTHING. If there was nothing going on, I’d create something. It was exhausting! But I never really liked parties, and that’s why I drank so much at them. If you need to drink to enjoy something, do you really enjoy that...

Lapse or Relapse?

When you’re not drinking… but then you drink. What do you do next? You have a choice. Is this a lapse, a chance to reflect on what’s working for you and what’s not? Or are you diving in, full relapse, you’ve drank once so might as well give up on this whole sober...

Are you dependent?

I knew I wanted to take a month off drinking. But not this month. There was that birthday, hen night, wedding, party… There was always SOMETHING. Something that I couldn’t possibly go to without drinking. I wasn’t dependent though. I didn’t drink every day, or at...

What do you think when you hear the word ‘manifest’? There is a misconception that manifesting means simply visualising something you want and then waiting for it to come to you. (Spoiler alert: that won’t work.) My son puts it nicely: “say what you want as though you...

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Video Game Battle

Do you have a constant battle with your kids over video games? I know I do. Whilst they’re on them, they’re quiet, parenting is easy and I can get things done. I'm grateful to video games for entertaining my children. Then the guilt hits. They should be outside,...

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Let’s Play!

What do you do for fun? If you find that hard to answer, you’re not alone. How many of these ideas could you tick off today to inject some play more into your day? 🐯Dance manically round the kitchen while the kettle boils 🦄Pretend to be a rockstar when...

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Role Play

Think of someone you’re really, really angry with. Your ex, your boss, your mother-in-law, that teacher who put you down that one time when you were 15 and you’ve never forgotten it. Imagine you got the chance to say all the things you wanted to say to them, with no...

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Email overload

How often do you check your emails each day? Many of us don’t just check them several times a day, we have a notification every time we receive one, which is often. One of my clients described it as trying to bail out a boat. The emails are endless and it feels...

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Trauma Release Exercises

Do you ever wish you could just shake off your trauma without having to talk about it? Most mammals do this. They experience trauma, they shake and let it out, they move on. Humans have been conditioned not to do this anymore. You can attend classes to learn Trauma...

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Forest School

Forest School has been our lifeline in home education. My son volunteers at one forest school session a week with pre-school children. It's given him so much more confidence and shown me that he could have a future career in forest school, childcare, or the outdoors...

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When do you work best?

When do you work best? I’m a morning person. My best work happens between 9am and 2pm. I get my jobs done in the morning so I can relax and play in the afternoon. The other way round, I spend my morning anxiously going over the things I have to do in the afternoon and...

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Take a dip

  What are you most looking forward to this summer? In December I had the pleasure of joining Claudia Geratz MSc for her Bye Bye 2022 reflection webinar. It made me realise just how many of my joyful memories of last year came from swimming. 🌊 A full moon...

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