
Lost Weekend

I used to lose so many weekends to hangovers. I had a great time partying, but I was losing...

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I used to get the worst FOMO. I went to EVERYTHING. If there was nothing going on, I’d create something. It was exhausting! But I never really liked parties, and that’s why I drank so much at them. If you need to drink to enjoy something, do you really enjoy that...

Lapse or Relapse?

When you’re not drinking… but then you drink. What do you do next? You have a choice. Is this a lapse, a chance to reflect on what’s working for you and what’s not? Or are you diving in, full relapse, you’ve drank once so might as well give up on this whole sober...

Are you dependent?

I knew I wanted to take a month off drinking. But not this month. There was that birthday, hen night, wedding, party… There was always SOMETHING. Something that I couldn’t possibly go to without drinking. I wasn’t dependent though. I didn’t drink every day, or at...
Taking a break

We all need breaks. Even if you love home educating and/or your job and it feels like a pleasure, not a chore. 💪 Taking a break will leave you feeling rested and ready to come back stronger 💡 Taking a break having fun with friends and family will help...

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I woke up to a sea of concerned faces staring down at me. I didn’t know what was going on. Someone, a stranger, picked me up and helped me get to somewhere quieter. We were in the theatre. I was in a play: Half a Sixpence. I was a terrible actor, so I was in the...

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Imagine a world where…

✅Someone you trust has taken your kids away for the weekend ✅You’re away from home, perhaps somewhere in nature, so there’s no cleaning or DIY niggling at you ✅You don’t have your phone or laptop or internet, so you can’t work - plus you’re on top...

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It’s was a long battle, but in January we received the news that Oscar will be getting an Educational Health Care Plan. I’m not big on labels, but this feels huge to me. It’s justification that we were right to take him out of school. It’s justification for me to find...

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Who are you?

So often when we are asked to introduce ourselves we start with our work, followed by our children and maybe our partners. And then stop. Yes, work and parenting are pretty time consuming and defining. But who are you, beyond those responsibilities? What are your...

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Who’s your play hero?

My dad is mine. Dad taught me to work as little as possible: just enough that I had the time and money to play hard. He was always caving, abseiling, diving, rock climbing, and generally exploring and having a good time. Now in his 70s, his flat is full of science...

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Atomic Habits

What are you reading at the moment? I got Atomic Habits by James Clear as a Christmas present and loved it. My key takeaway was how important it is to understand our purpose and desired identity before anything else. The goals and how we reach them come second. Life...

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Is “enough” even possible?

“I’m not doing enough.” This is the main worry I hear from other home educators. It takes time to adjust your expectations of home education and realise you don’t need to fit in with any school curriculum any more. There’s no need to compare what you’re doing to what...

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The Golden Circle

Simon Sinek's TED talk about the Golden Circle has been one of the most influential things I've ever watched. If you've not seen it yet, go and sort that out right now!! If you understand WHY you’re doing something and you believe in it, motivating yourself to do it –...

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