If you’re anything like I was, most of your friends are drinkers and most of your socialising involves alcohol.

Even when you’re doing something healthy like a run or a spa day, alcohol usually shows up in the end.

Trying to stop drinking and still be around all that temptation is hard.

Honestly, you will probably slip up at some point.

And that’s ok.

You’re human.

When it happens, be kind to yourself.

Take a moment to reflect.

What triggered you to have that drink? Were you tired or stressed, in a certain place with certain people? How could you avoid that trigger or handle it differently next time? How has this slip reminded you that you actually would like to be sober right now?

Consecutive days aren’t the only ones that count.

Make your slips count by using them as learning experiences to help you in future.

This is a marathon not a sprint.

How many consecutive days would you like to get to, to feel like you’d cracked this?

Writing your goals down and sharing them makes success much more likely.