Break Up Planning

Sadly a married couple we are close to suddenly and unexpectedly split up last year. It’s got me thinking again about a conversation that I think all couples should have when times are good: “if we were to split up, how would we want to do it?” My husband and I talk...

Christmas Grief

In 2020, like so many people, I suffered a bereavement during the coronavirus pandemic. We had to face difficult decisions as a family around shielding and visiting, trying to get the balance right between seeing and supporting my mum in her final weeks, seeing and...

The opposite of Loneliness

…is connection. As a very sociable person with many friends and an often exhaustingly jam packed diary, I have still experienced awful loneliness. I remember one time in particular when I was struggling and didn’t feel anyone understood or cared. I knew deep down that...

Have you got a death plan?

Last week would have been my mum’s 62nd birthday. Sadly, both my mum and my grandma died during the coronavirus pandemic. Both deaths were expected. My grandma was almost 94 and had been in hospital with covid-19, but did recover enough to come home for her last week...