40 winks

How do you sleep? So many people I know talk about not sleeping for long enough or well enough. Not getting enough sleep impacts EVERYTHING. It makes us grumpy, unable to problem solve effectively, slower, more likely to comfort eat… When my children were younger,...


I woke up to a sea of concerned faces staring down at me. I didn’t know what was going on. Someone, a stranger, picked me up and helped me get to somewhere quieter. We were in the theatre. I was in a play: Half a Sixpence. I was a terrible actor, so I was in the...

Get out there

I’m not what you’d call a natural sportsperson. When I was a teenager, I was much happier in the library than in the gym, and only attended PE lessons at High School for the first year, after which I realised that if you didn’t turn up to the first class of term to...

Eat more plants

Growing up, I was one of those hippy kids who already knew what hummus even though it was still the 80s. I’d go to a birthday party at McDonald’s and order a cheeseburger, not understanding that there would be a piece of meat under my cheese. When offered lasagne for...

Body Positivity

I’ve heard a few friends comment recently about the weight they’ve put on over the summer, the diets and exercise regimes they are planning for autumn. I know many people stay fit all through winter with the specific goal of feeling beach body ready for summer....