Dry July?

You’ve probably taken steps to try to control your drinking in the past: a week off here, a Dry January there, no mid-week drinking, maximum 3 drinks on a night out, no shots… I know I did plenty of those challenges over the years. And challenges they were. I felt...

Ignorance is bliss

I spent 2 decades knowing what life felt like as a drinker, with no knowledge of what life felt like sober (apart from pregnancy breaks, which do not count!). Realising that there was never a convenient month to take a month off drinking showed me that I was reliant...

Boost your business income without losing your balance

This 1 simple change led to Jo increasing her business income in just 6 weeks, without losing her balance. Jo was drinking red wine in the evenings to unwind, which was leaving her feeling tired all the time. She wanted to take her business to the next level, and she...

Celebrate good times!

“How will you celebrate?” Getting you into the mindset of the future version of you who hasn’t just achieved your goal but is ready to celebrate it can be a great motivator and help you to believe in yourself. If you’re still learning ways to celebrate that don’t...

How many times

How many times have you woken up with a raging hangover and declared you’re NEVER DRINKING AGAIN only to find yourself with a refreshing hair of the dog pint in a sunny beer garden by lunchtime that very same day? How many times have you woken up wishing you’d had a...

Time is your most valuable asset

I’ve got so much more time since I stopped drinking. If I go for a night out, I come home earlier, so I wake up earlier and feel bright and energised – even on weekend mornings. Weekend days used to regularly be lost to hangovers. Now I use them to connect with...