Role Play

Think of someone you’re really, really angry with. Your ex, your boss, your mother-in-law, that teacher who put you down that one time when you were 15 and you’ve never forgotten it. Imagine you got the chance to say all the things you wanted to say to them, with no...

Email overload

How often do you check your emails each day? Many of us don’t just check them several times a day, we have a notification every time we receive one, which is often. One of my clients described it as trying to bail out a boat. The emails are endless and it feels...

Taking a break

We all need breaks. Even if you love home educating and/or your job and it feels like a pleasure, not a chore. 💪 Taking a break will leave you feeling rested and ready to come back stronger 💡 Taking a break having fun with friends and family will help...


It’s was a long battle, but in January we received the news that Oscar will be getting an Educational Health Care Plan. I’m not big on labels, but this feels huge to me. It’s justification that we were right to take him out of school. It’s justification for me to find...

Who are you?

So often when we are asked to introduce ourselves we start with our work, followed by our children and maybe our partners. And then stop. Yes, work and parenting are pretty time consuming and defining. But who are you, beyond those responsibilities? What are your...