Sep 13, 2023 | Coaching, diet, exercise, family, fun, goals, gratitude, health, home education, my journey, parenting, tools and models, wellbeing
Like many parents new to home education, at first, I created a lovely colour-coded timetable, the kind of thing you’d be given at school. It didn’t take long to realise that the kind of kids and families who are better suited to home education aren’t always so great...
Sep 6, 2023 | Coaching, tools and models
If you understand WHY you’re doing something and you believe in it, motivating yourself to do it – even when it’s hard – becomes so much easier. But on its own, “why” can be too big a question. Instead, try asking yourself questions like – ❓What will achieving...
Aug 16, 2023 | career, client stories, Coaching, family, fun, goals, identity, Mums, parenting
Coaching isn’t always about career progression, promotion, or pay. It’s about achieving the life that works for you in the way that suits you. I’ve been working with someone who is planning on reducing her workload and income. This wasn’t necessarily her plan when we...
Aug 9, 2023 | Coaching, family, goals, home education, Mums, parenting
Is your child struggling through mainstream school? Is worrying about their wellbeing and education affecting you? I help stressed out, overwhelmed parents like you explore whether home education would suit your family so that you can all be happier and more settled....
Jul 26, 2023 | client stories, Coaching, fun, gratitude, home education, Mums, parenting
Today I met a new client for the first time, a busy home educating Mum with caring responsibilities. Early into our conversation, I asked her what she does for herself. She told me what a huge thing it was for her to have assigned a full hour to herself in coming to...