Time to go

How good are you at recognising that something isn’t working and moving on from it? Recently I was reading with my son. He loves maths, but reading is a chore for him. Begrudgingly, he read to me (mostly in a silly voice) and made it clear he was finding the book...

Role Play

Think of someone you’re really, really angry with. Your ex, your boss, your mother-in-law, that teacher who put you down that one time when you were 15 and you’ve never forgotten it. Imagine you got the chance to say all the things you wanted to say to them, with no...

When do you work best?

When do you work best? I’m a morning person. My best work happens between 9am and 2pm. I get my jobs done in the morning so I can relax and play in the afternoon. The other way round, I spend my morning anxiously going over the things I have to do in the afternoon and...