Get out there

I’m not what you’d call a natural sportsperson. When I was a teenager, I was much happier in the library than in the gym, and only attended PE lessons at High School for the first year, after which I realised that if you didn’t turn up to the first class of term to...

Write it out

The first lockdown was really hard on us all. One of the key things that helped get me through it was journaling. It can sound a little “teenager” and many people don’t know where to start with it, so I thought I’d share how I was doing it in lockdown. Writing at a...

Happy Birthday to Me!

It’s almost my birthday. 37. Late 30s. Almost 40. Those statements should sound scarier than they do. I feel very lucky to have found so much joy in my life and to feel so settled before I’m 40. I’ve done all the usual milestones: marriage, mortgage, motherhood,...

Christmas Grief

In 2020, like so many people, I suffered a bereavement during the coronavirus pandemic. We had to face difficult decisions as a family around shielding and visiting, trying to get the balance right between seeing and supporting my mum in her final weeks, seeing and...

The opposite of Loneliness

…is connection. As a very sociable person with many friends and an often exhaustingly jam packed diary, I have still experienced awful loneliness. I remember one time in particular when I was struggling and didn’t feel anyone understood or cared. I knew deep down that...