
I woke up to a sea of concerned faces staring down at me. I didn’t know what was going on. Someone, a stranger, picked me up and helped me get to somewhere quieter. We were in the theatre. I was in a play: Half a Sixpence. I was a terrible actor, so I was in the...


It’s was a long battle, but in January we received the news that Oscar will be getting an Educational Health Care Plan. I’m not big on labels, but this feels huge to me. It’s justification that we were right to take him out of school. It’s justification for me to find...

Get out there

I’m not what you’d call a natural sportsperson. When I was a teenager, I was much happier in the library than in the gym, and only attended PE lessons at High School for the first year, after which I realised that if you didn’t turn up to the first class of term to...