Do you feel like life is all work and no play?

Are you so exhausted from work that all you can face doing at the end of the day is slumping on the sofa with a big glass of wine and watching TV?

When you take time for yourself to rest or play – reading your book, having a bath, going for a weekend away with friends – do you find yourself feeling so guilty that it doesn’t feel worth it?

You’re not alone.

You are almost expected to feel overwhelmed all the time, to burn out at least once in your career.

But you don’t have to.

By prioritising rest and play, you will have the energy, motivation and ideas to be more productive and creative in your work.

Prioritising rest and play will mean you’re happier and calmer, and that will make you a better friend, partner, and parent.

Getting that balance right will leave you with the time, energy and motivation to start achieving your goals so that you can live a more fulfilling and authentic life.

This book is the perfect launchpad for your dreams.

It’s short and sweet and packed with journal questions so that you can apply the ideas to your own life.

This book could just be the catalyst to your happier, calmer future.

ORDER YOUR COPY HERE – available as ebook, paperback and audiobook

Download your free copy of the resources pack to go with the book.


Role Play

Think of someone you’re really, really angry with. Your ex, your boss, your mother-in-law, that teacher who put you down that one time when you were 15 and you’ve never forgotten it. Imagine you got the chance to say all the things you wanted to say to them, with no...

Email overload

How often do you check your emails each day? Many of us don’t just check them several times a day, we have a notification every time we receive one, which is often. One of my clients described it as trying to bail out a boat. The emails are endless and it feels...

Trauma Release Exercises

Do you ever wish you could just shake off your trauma without having to talk about it? Most mammals do this. They experience trauma, they shake and let it out, they move on. Humans have been conditioned not to do this anymore. You can attend classes to learn Trauma...