I spent 2 decades knowing what life felt like as a drinker, with no knowledge of what life felt like sober (apart from pregnancy breaks, which do not count!).

Realising that there was never a convenient month to take a month off drinking showed me that I was reliant enough that alcohol was a problem for me.

Doing so despite the inconvenience – and then briefly returning to drinking as planned – showed me that life was better without alcohol.

Much better.

I looked and felt better; saved money; had more time and energy for my business; slept better; had happier relationships; was a better role model to my kids; was more purposeful about how I spent my time and with whom; felt calmer and more relaxed.

If you’d like to find out what life feels like as a non-drinker, get your hands on my top tips for effortless, enjoyable sobriety.