sober and sPARKLING

After a long day, you can’t wait to get the kids to bed and settle down with a glass of wine. But often that glass turns into a whole bottle. You wake up in the morning still feeling tired, and snap at your kids, only to feel guilty about it. You start your day frazzled.

Quality evening time with your partner/friends almost always includes alcohol. Not to the point of blackout, smashed phones, lost handbags, or tigers in your hotel room, but enough that you’d feel uncomfortable without it.

There’s a constant niggle in the back of your mind that you should try to cut down. That, without alcohol, you’d be able to finally take your business to the next level – bringing in more consistent income and making the impact you know you’re capable of.

You know that, without alcohol, you’d have clearer skin and a slimmer figure. You’d be calmer and have happier relationships. You’d be more confident and feel authentically yourself. You’d sleep better and have more energy to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.

You worry that your friends will think you’re boring and will stop inviting you out so you’ll lose your social life if you don’t drink; but once they see how much you’re loving life and succeeding, they’ll want to know how you did it.


My ✨ Sober and Sparkling ✨ 6-week alcohol-free challenge will help change your mindset around alcohol for good. You’ll be motivated by all the great things sobriety gives you, so it won’t feel like you’re depriving yourself.

What my clients say:

📢 “I’m feeling great! I’ve had the best financial month in my business so far and I put it down to the fact that I stopped drinking.” J, Business Coach

📢 “I loved your approach and the way you bring personal values and emotions into business. You’ve shown me I can be myself and keep humans at the centre, rather than profit. You’ve helped me rein my ideas in to move them forward. I’ve got so much more confidence now.” W, ADHD Coach

I’m an EMCC Senior Practitioner Accredited Coach with almost 2 decades experience in coaching people to start businesses; improve their health and wellbeing; and to find a better balance of work, rest and play.

I’m a sandwich carer, caring for my father who is alcohol-dependent and my SEN home educated child, whilst running my own business. I’m also an elected town councillor. I know what it’s like to feel stressed, overwhelmed and in need of a drink! But I also know how great sobriety feels, in so many beautiful and intangible ways.

Follow Sober and Sunny on Instagram for ongoing tips and support.

More support than you need? Ditch the 1:1 support and sign up for my self-paced, lifetime access Sober and Sunny course for just £49.

Not quite ready? Get your free copy of “7 simple steps to effortless, enjoyable sobriety” here.



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