Jul 26, 2023 | client stories, Coaching, fun, gratitude, home education, Mums, parenting
Today I met a new client for the first time, a busy home educating Mum with caring responsibilities. Early into our conversation, I asked her what she does for herself. She told me what a huge thing it was for her to have assigned a full hour to herself in coming to...
Apr 19, 2023 | Coaching, exercise, family, fun, goals, Mums, my journey, parenting, play, reflections
What are you most looking forward to this summer? In December I had the pleasure of joining Claudia Geratz MSc for her Bye Bye 2022 reflection webinar. It made me realise just how many of my joyful memories of last year came from swimming. 🌊 A full moon...
Apr 5, 2023 | body positivity, creativity, fun, my journey
I woke up to a sea of concerned faces staring down at me. I didn’t know what was going on. Someone, a stranger, picked me up and helped me get to somewhere quieter. We were in the theatre. I was in a play: Half a Sixpence. I was a terrible actor, so I was in the...
Mar 29, 2023 | creativity, exercise, fun, goals, identity, mindfulness, parenting, play, wellbeing
✅Someone you trust has taken your kids away for the weekend ✅You’re away from home, perhaps somewhere in nature, so there’s no cleaning or DIY niggling at you ✅You don’t have your phone or laptop or internet, so you can’t work – plus you’re...
Feb 1, 2023 | body positivity, exercise, goals, health, my journey
I’m not what you’d call a natural sportsperson. When I was a teenager, I was much happier in the library than in the gym, and only attended PE lessons at High School for the first year, after which I realised that if you didn’t turn up to the first class of term to...