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Come on in, the water’s… freezing

Come on in, the water’s… freezing

On one of my recent sunrise walks, the sky was perfectly clear and the sea perfectly flat and inviting. I kicked myself for not having thought to bring swimming stuff with me. Before I could lose my nerve, I got in touch with a friend who I hadn’t seen in a while,...

Welcome to my website!

Welcome to my website!

As I come to the end of the facilitated part of my qualification with In Good Company, I am really excited to take this next step and launch my website and business. As a coach, I am always helping people push outside of their comfort zones to try new things, so I...

“Things always feel more possible after I’ve spoken to Chloe.”

“Chloe is like the Marie Kondo of thoughts.”

“Since seeing Chloe, people have commented on how much happier I seem. I really feel I have got things more into perspective.”

“I really enjoyed meeting Chloe and found it really useful and calming.”

“During my redundancy process, Chloe helped me to stay level headed and keep an open mind about the future. Now I’ve got a new job with a better salary lined up and I can’t wait to start!”

“It was helpful to talk to Chloe following a break up. She provided a safe space to explore coming to terms with the separation.”