One of my clients was working on improving his health.

He’d stopped exercising, his diet was unhealthy, and he was drinking beer in front of the TV every night. He was tired and grumpy at work and not achieving what he wanted to in life.

He set himself a goal to only drink once a week, instead of most nights.

Just one week in, he was feeling so much clearer – he told me it was like a veil had been lifted – that he decided the hangover wasn’t worth it and he wouldn’t drink on his one allowed night after all.

I agree – life‘s too short to waste it being hungover.

Cutting his drinking right back gave him the energy to start going to the gym four times a week and entering cycling events again, which he hadn’t done since before lockdown. He even started enjoying his work again after feeling bored and considering leaving.

He pulled himself out of his doom spiral, started thinking more positively and doing the things he knew he needed to, and finally told me that he felt like he’d got his old healthy, happy self back.

Not everyone sees results that quickly (I certainly didn’t), but I can promise you that if you stick out those early weeks, the results will come – and they’ll be better than you imagined possible.

It won’t all be easy – because nothing that’s really worth having is, but the hard times will help you appreciate the good times even more.

My Sober and Sunny course brings together all my coaching experience through my own Hopscotch model to help make this transition as smooth as possible for you so that you can get your happiest, healthiest self back too.

If the future you that is celebrating three months sober could travel back in time to give you some advice, what would they say to you today?