Coaching isn’t always about career progression, promotion, or pay. It’s about achieving the life that works for you in the way that suits you.

I’ve been working with someone who is planning on reducing her workload and income.

This wasn’t necessarily her plan when we first met. She was lost and confused. Full of business development ideas. Wondering if she should just get herself a job. Considering moving away altogether.

She was in need of a shake up.

I asked her what her dream job description would look like.

She realised how much she missed some of the more involved, customer facing work. Her main career value was community.

As her business had grown, she’d got away from the customers and into people management.

So she’s changing things.

A smaller team means less staffing costs, and less people management (which she doesn’t enjoy) and more time for her to be with her customers, creating and being part of a community.

It also means more time to be with her family, and more time for herself.

Next time we’ll be making sure she makes the most of that time and it doesn’t get filled with chores, but instead with fun, play and creativity!